


您的专业化粪池承包商可以检查您的系统状况. 他可以告诉你你的土壤吸收系统的具体类型. 如果油箱需要清洗,他有清洗的装备. If there is evidence of bacterial deficiency - such as overly thick scum or solids buildup inside the tank – he can supply you with 博彩公司 liquid bacterialenzyme septic system treatment. 博彩公司 含有酶,可立即分解固体积聚在排水管, 管道, 化粪池, 土壤吸收系统. 博彩公司 also contains reproductive bacteria for continued aid in solids digestion and settling, 悬浮物去除, 气味控制.


•不要让化粪池系统超载. 节约用水. 如果可能的话,只在非高峰时间洗衣服和洗碗.
•不要冲烟, 卫生棉, 一次性尿布, 或者其他无机物.

Regular septic system maintenance combined with water conservation should give you many years of trouble-free use. If not maintained, your septic system may fail, requiring excavation and repair or replacement. 你将不得不承担这项工作的费用, as well as the aggravation of trucks and equipment on your property and the disruption to your yard.


博彩公司 能去除地毯和其他地方的大部分宠物污渍和气味吗.
博彩公司 能去除大多数地毯和其他织物上的食物污渍吗.
博彩公司 可以用作洗衣前的食物和尿液/粪便污渍预浸剂吗.
•保持 博彩公司 in a spray bottle for odor control in garbage can, diaper pail, cat litter box, etc.

常见问题 & 答案

Q. 是什么导致我的油箱里有厚厚的外壳?
A. 地壳是凝固成固体的有机物质. 这种情况可能表明细菌缺乏. 问问你的承包商你的油箱是否需要抽水 博彩公司 为了避免未来的问题.

Q. 我上周把油箱抽干了. 有没有可能已经满了?
A. 这不仅是可能的,而且是必要的. 化粪池设计为充分运转,以适当分离水/固体.

A. No. 水箱里的一些材料是不可生物降解的. 这种材料必须用泵挤出来.

Q.我的系统最近进行了多年来的第一次备份. 为什么我现在就要开始维护呢?
A. 尽管备份可能是由于管道破裂造成的, 树根侵入你的线条, 或者其他障碍, 这种备份也有可能是系统故障的第一个信号. 打电话给你的承包商讨论你的系统.

Q.The drainage in my house seems to be sluggish and sometimes temporarily backs up. 有时我的后院也会有难闻的气味和糊状的地面. 这些是化粪池系统故障的征兆吗?
A. 这些可能是也可能不是化粪池系统恶化的迹象. 联系你的承包商讨论这些问题.


如果你和大多数人一样,你对你的化粪池系统知之甚少. 这可以理解. In urban and suburban areas there are sewers to carry household waste to municipal wastewater treatment facilities. 在更多农村地区, 然而, 化粪池 systems provide the functions of both sewers and treatment facilities.

1. Organic solid material floats to the surface and forms a layer of what is commonly called “scum". 化粪池中的细菌通过生物方式将这种物质转化为液体.

2. Inorganic or inert solid materials and the by-products of bacterial digestion sink to the bottom of the tank and form a layer commonly known as “sludge”.

3. 浮渣层和污泥层之间应该只有清水. It is this clear water- and only this clear water- that should overflow into the soil absorption area.

所有家庭垃圾都通过化粪池系统处理. The proper operation of the septic system is essential to public and private health, 属性值, 对环境也是如此. To see if you know enough about your septic system, answer the following questions.


这些都是非常严肃的问题. The health of your family and the value of your property rely heavily upon the answers to these questions.

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” was never more true than it is with 化粪池 care. A small commitment to the care of your septic system will protect you indefinitely from the nightmare created by a failing system. This pamphlet will attempt to give you a clear picture of how household waste is treated from drain line to soil.

Solid material overflowing into the soil absorption area should be avoided at all costs. 正是这些固体溢出堵塞了土壤孔隙,导致系统失效. 两个主要因素导致固体物质积聚到足以溢出:


(2)污泥去除不足. Bacteria MUST BE PRESENT in the 化粪池 to break down and digest the organic solids. Normal household waste provides enough bacteria to digest the solids UNLESS any harm is done to the bacteria. 细菌对环境变化非常敏感. 检查你通常在家里使用的产品的标签. 产品 carrying harsh warnings such as "HARMFUL OR FATAL IF SWALLOWED” will harm bacteria.


The 化粪池 system is a small, on-site sewage treatment and disposal system buried in the ground. 化粪池系统有两个重要部分:


(2)土壤吸收面积. 化粪池化粪池于1900年左右在伦敦获得专利. Webster's Dictionary defines the 化粪池 as “a tank in which waste matter is decomposed through bacterial action.现代化粪池是一个水密箱,通常由预制混凝土制成, 混凝土块, 或增强玻璃纤维. 当生活垃圾进入化粪池时,会发生几种情况:

People rarely think of the effect of these products on the 化粪池 system when the products go down the drain. 你认为杀菌剂对化粪池有什么样的影响? 必须有细菌来消化这些浮渣. If not digested the scum will accumulate until it overflows, clogging the soil absorption area.

The sludge in the 化粪池 - inorganic and inert material - is not biodegradable and will not decompose. 如果没有移除, 污泥会不断积聚,直到最终溢出, 再次堵塞土壤吸收区.

The second part of septic system maintenance involves the bacteria necessary for solids digestion. If bacteria-killing products are used in the home - as they usually are - the bacteria should be replenished. 如果细菌水平过低,固体可能无法被正确消化. 然后固体会积聚太多,过多地流入土壤吸收区. 这又会阻塞系统,需要大修或更换.


有 many, many soil absorption or leaching systems - too many to discuss them all. 有, 然而, two general types of facilities to carry off the overflow of water from the 化粪池:



沟槽系统-也称为淋滤场, 排水领域, or finger systems - generally consist of a network of perforated 管道 laid in a gravel-lined trench. 固体堵塞管孔, 砾石衬里, or the soil pores outside the trench will cause drainage to slow or eventually stop.

Drainage pits - also called drywells or cesspools - are made of precast concrete or concrete block. 它们是圆柱体,顶部封闭,底部开放,侧壁有孔. 一些较旧的系统只包括一个排水坑或污水池. Solids accumulating on the interior surfaces of the pit or in the soil will again contribute to sluggish drainage or failure.


美国.S. 政府卫生署, 教育和福利公共卫生服务处说, “A 化粪池 system will service a home satisfactorily only if it is properly designed, 安装, 并得到充分维护. Even a good system which does not have proper care and attention may become a nuisance, 还有繁重的开支."

The quantity and composition of waste generated in the home varies according to the number of residents, 他们的个人用水量, 以及家里的用水器具.
The following commonly used home care products - even when used according to directions - can reduce the bacteria population required for proper 化粪池 operation.

•消毒剂、酸、水槽 & 浴缸清洁工

化粪池系统维护意味着两件简单的事情. First, sludge that accumulates in the bottom of the tank must be pumped out periodically. How frequently depends on the size of the tank, the use it gets, and the condition of the system. 没有任何添加剂可以放入罐中来处理污泥. 必须用泵把它抽出来. If not pumped out, the sludge will eventually overflow into the soil absorption area. This will clog the system, and it will need to be replaced, at enormous expense and inconvenience.

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The proper operation of the septic system is essential to public and private health, 属性值, 对环境也是如此.
